Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Vacation 2009

We had a great vacation the first 2 weeks of August and the weather was perfect - warm, sunny days at the lake with beautiful sunsets in the evenings. It was a much needed break for Andrew after a busy berry season. But, we are now back, preparing mentally for the fall activities to begin. Sarah has started working part time at a local drugstore and will soon have the extra cash to spend. I am trying to get her to understand the importance of setting a percentage of her earnings aside, but I think money management skills are beyond a 15 year old brain. Anna is away at Malagash Bible Camp this week and we are missing her. She really loves this camp and would like to someday lifeguard here.

One of the many beautiful sunsets on Harvey Lake, NB.

... and another.

Two very special girls, sharing some quality time together at the lake. A prime opportunity to build and strengthen that sister bond.

New Brunswick Day fireworks in Fredericton. We enjoyed quite an impressive display.

Grammie and Charlotte looking intently at something!

This is our beautiful granddaughter, Charlotte Wendy, taken at our cottage.

We have had some very hot weather here lately and it is making sleep very elusive. Therefore, I am blogging, of all things. I have just started reading a book by Dr. Paul Brand entitled "The Forever Feast" - Letting God Satisfy Your Deepest Hunger. I will post a bit more on this as I get further into the book.


  1. Hi Mom!
    Thanks for the pictures, they are beautiful. I may get you to e-mail the ones of Charlotte at the camp in the pink shirt, the light was amazing and they were such nice photos. I love the one of the girls at the end of the wharf!!

    As for money management....... SO important!! And not beyond a 15 year old! It continues to be a struggle for me, and I believe even young children should be taught about money. How it is not the be all, end all, and not your master. Definitely keep trying, she might not appreciate it now, but she certainly will, 10 years down the road.

    P.S. I recall putting all of my birthday money in a savings account from a very young age!!

  2. I didn't put that very well... I think children need to be taught how to manage the money that they have, so that they do not develop bad habits and attitudes toward money that will be very detramental as they grow into teenagers and young adults. Personally, I think that school should teach budgeting, and information about credit, credit history and interest, student loans and debt. In lieu of that, parents should!! This information is vital to living a successful life, free from the weight of not knowing how to handle money and the huge weight of being in massive debt. Tim and I are about to embark on an online course all about money management and financial peace. Of course, this is not solely the parent's job, as many resources are available.

    Anyway - don't get me wrong, you did a fabulous job of raising us and definitely taught us the value of saving all of our extra pennies. I just think you should seize this opportunity with Sarah!!! Love you!

  3. Thanks for the pictures, they are beautiful and make me miss the cottage and the beautiful maritimes even more. I'm glad you had such a relaxing vacation! I just put up some more pictures on my blog of our trip you should check them out!

  4. I loved the photos as well, so beautiful.
    I agree with you Pamela about being taught at a young age about money. It's such a struggle for me... I'm terrible at saving and I know I need to be better at it. Definitely encourage Sarah to put some away for later in her life when she has important things to spend it on (rent/food/schooling)!!
